Student Access Kit Provide with a Code to Get into MyMathLab

Did you know this access kit will provide you with a code to get into MyMathLab, a personalized interactive learning environment, where you can learn mathematics and statistics at your own pace and measure your progress?
In order to use MyMathLab, you will need a CourseID provided by your instructor; MyMathLab is not a self-study product and does require you to be in an instructor-led course. This product is for the national MyMathLab access kit. If your school has a custom MyMathLab course the printed access card will not work.   MyMathLab includes:

Interactive tutorial exercises: MyMathLab's homework and practice exercises are correlated to the exercises in the relevant textbook, and they regenerate algorithmically to give you unlimited opportunity for practice and mastery. Most exercises are free-response and provide an intuitive math symbol palette for entering math notation. Exercises include guided solutions, sample problems, and learning aids for extra help at point-of-use, and they offer helpful feedback when students enter incorrect answers.

eBook with multimedia learning aids: MyMathLab courses include a full eBook with a variety of multimedia resources available directly from selected examples and exercises on the page. You can link out to learning aids such as video clips and animations to improve their understanding of key concepts.

Study plan for self-paced learning: MyMathLab's study plan helps you monitor your own progress, letting you see at a glance exactly which topics you need to practice. MyMathLab generates a personalized study plan for you based on your test results, and the study plan links directly to interactive, tutorial exercises for topics you haven't yet mastered. You can regenerate these exercises with new values for unlimited practice, and the exercises include guided solutions and multimedia learning aids to give students the extra help they need.

This is a great way to get mymathlab without buying a new book but the Pearson website is having issues.  Many of the students on campus are having issues getting the access code to go through.

For all the people that are writing reviews about MyMathLab, that has nothing to do with this. This is just for the access code.

The university bookstore tried to then state that older editions like the 3rd would not work. The reality is that this item is updated each year and Amazon simply sells a newly packaged code from the publisher at a significant discount than the university bookstore. As long as the code is valid it will unlock the studies on the publisher's website, which is what the student needs. There is no "edition" to this.

This is an accesscode that grants you access to one of the best online class website. It offers help links, an online version of the textbook, and even has video walk throughs for those not so computer savy. This is a great product.